After months of prayer and hard work, the New Day Christian Church (NDCC) North Port Campus (7000 Sumter Crossing Drive 34287) will open Sunday, August 27! This is such exciting and long-awaited news! We would like to say thank you for your prayers, financial support, and commitment to our mission in the City of North Port. Despite all the challenges we have endured, we have seen God’s provision during this entire journey.

If you remember, at the beginning of the year, Pastor Rusty led us through the “I’m All In” campaign. In it, he highlighted that members of NDCC are expected to worship together weekly, join a serve team, and participate in group life. Our ask today is that your family would consider being “All In” at the North Port Campus. You can do this by committing to attend and serve for the first six months after the launch.

In Luke 10:2, Jesus tells us, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” If we are going to make disciples who make disciples in the City of North Port, we need many volunteers to work the harvest.

If you are committed to being “All In” (even if you have expressed interest in the past) please CLICK HERE to sign up.

We can’t wait to see what God is going to accomplish through your family at New Day’s North Port Campus.

In Christ,

Robbie Rutherford

North Port Campus Pastor